BANC Objectives

  • Reliable Grid Operation consistent with Reliability Standards developed and enforced by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, North American Electric Reliability Council, and Western Electricity Coordinating Council.
  • Clarify roles and responsibilities of Members within the BA footprint as to Reliability Standards compliance obligations.
  • Promote the interests of its members to facilitate grid operation that provides a stable platform to maximize consumer value for the BANC Members, including members generation and transmission assets within the BANC, considering the factors of flexibility, certainty, durability, operating transparency, and cost-effectiveness.
  • Facilitate BANC Member operations, based upon principles that balance:
    • customer-owner desires for electricity delivered reliably, affordably, and based upon good environmental stewardship;
    • state and federal energy policy initiatives; and
    •  the financial realities of the marketplace and the California and local economies.
  • Facilitate Planning Coordination among participating BANC Members